New Malden 5km & Kids 100m Run 2025
Event Day details
The 5km Course
Registration for Malden Fortnight 2016 100m Dash ONLY
5k fun run is FULL
No entries on the day
Indicates required field
Are you
Age on 02/07/16
Please enter me for the
Kid’s 100m Dash
I agree to the T&Cs below
The New Malden 5K fun run is free to participants and is run by volunteers. There are no permissions expressed or implied by the event organisers. Participants make use of the facilities at their own risk and without express permission from the event organisers or the Park or Council authorities. Running is a physically active sport. You should always seek advice from your GP before taking up a strenuous physical pursuit such as this. I accept that I do so entirely at my own risk and that it is my responsibility to ensure that I am fit and able to take part in the event. The event organisers and its volunteers do not accept responsibility for injury, loss and damage sustained by a participant unless the above injury, loss and damage is proven to have been caused as a direct result of negligence on the part of the organisers.
Any additional comments?